Graph Theory; Maximal, Minimal, Maximum, and Minimum

Mateus Souza · September 16, 2021

Bonsoir friend, we’ll quickly be discussing the difference between maximal, minimal, maximum, and minimum concepts applying them to graph theory.


We can define Maximal in Graph Theory as:

  • Let F’ be a set of subgraphs from G, a member F of F’ is maximal if no other member of F’ has F as a subgraph.

    (In other words, F is not contained by any graph in F’)

    (in other words, F is the biggest subgraph of F’)


Therefore, we can define Minimal in Graph Theory like:

  • Let F’ be a set of subgraphs from G, a member F of F’ is minimal if it has no member of F’ as a subgraph.

    (In other words, F does not contain any other subgraph in F’)

    (in other words, F is the smallest subgraph of F’)


Let X be a subset of set A.

  • We could say X is maximum if there’s no other subset Y in A such it has bigger cardinality than X.

    *(In other words, X is maximum if there is no other Y ∈ A such Y > X .)*

    Proposition: Every Maximum is Maximal, but not every Minimum is Minimal.


Let X be a subset of set A.

  • We could say X is minimum if there’s no other subset Y in A such it has smaller cardinality than X.

    (In other words, X is minimum *if there is no other Y ∈ A such Y < X .)*

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