Creating Mutating Web Hooks for Kubernetes A Step-by-Step Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of Kubernetes orchestration, extending and customizing functionality is crucial. Mutating web hooks offer a powerful mechanism for dynamically altering objects before they are persisted in the cluster. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of creating a mutating web hook for Kubernetes, from generating SSL certificates to deploying and testing the webhook service.

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Creating a handwritten digit classifier

As you start your journey through the extensive world of machine learning, perhaps you need a complete walk through a problem solved by neural network. A handwritten digit classifier could be considered as a great “hello world” in this case, which we can apply not a very hard neither too easy code to solve.

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Creating your local Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes has become the go to standard for production container orchestration, empowering tech bros to manage and scale containerized applications seamlessly. While deploying Kubernetes on a production environment can be complex, setting up a local Kubernetes cluster for testing and development is made easy with Minikube.

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